
Technology and Startups
Join us on Friday March 18 and learn about new developments in software and hardware. Meet developers of Open Source knitting machines, Laptops that can send and receive on all frequencies, web technologies like Javascript, PHP, Ruby, HTML, Git, Android, DevOps, Docker and much more.

OpenTech, IoT and Science Hacks
The weekend on March 19/20 is dedicated to the Internet of Things. What are the technologies and scientific achievements that make IoT run? We have tracks on Open Source software and customized hardware, Arduinos, Rapsberry PI, Open Design applications and the maker and hacker community. In the Science Hack tracks you will learn about how you can participate in the Citizen Science community.

pgDay Asia - 17th and 19th March
The pgDay Asia on 17th March is part of the PostgreSQL conference series for all PostgreSQL enthusiasts in the Asia Pacific region. pgDay Asia 2016, will be held on the aegis of FOSSASIA 2016. You will be able to enjoy both the first Asian PostgreSQL conference and one of the largest FOSS conferences in Asia at the same time!
Keynote Speakers

Cat Allman
GoogleCat has been involved with the free and Open Source community since the mid 1980s, including stints at Mt Xinu, Sendmail, Inc, and the USENIX Association. Her outreach role in the Open Source Programs Office at Google is like slipping into a warm bath of global FOSS goodness.

Davide Storti
UNESCO YouthMobileDavide is working as a FOSS Program Manager at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. He co-leads the YouthMobile initiative, which aims at inspiring young girls and boys to drive technological innovation by acquiring the skills and confidence to develop mobile apps for sustainable development.

Mike McQuaid
GitHubMike McQuaid is a software engineer at GitHub. He maintains the Homebrew OS X package manager and has contributed to a wide array of open-source projects.

Colin Charles
MariaDBColin Charles is the Chief Evangelist for MariaDB since 2009, with work ranging from speaking engagements to consultancy and engineering works. He lives in Kuala Lumpur and had worked at MySQL since 2005, and been a MySQL user since 2000.

Ricky Setyawan
Oracle/MySQLRicky is working 16 impressive years in the IT industry and 14 years working as a RDBMS specialist. He is the MySQL Principal Sales Consultant for Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and Pakistan. Prior to joining Oracle, he was a Lead DBA with Stratus Technologies doing database design and management on Oracle and DB2 on RedHat Linux.



Hong Phuc Dang
Mario Behling
Big Data Berlin
Harish Pillay
Red Hat
Roland Turner
Justin Lee
Darwin Gosal
Mohit Kanwal
Jörg Henning
KRDS Digital Ltd.FOSSASIA 2015
FOSSASIA is the annual OpenTechSummit featuring prominent tech icons from around the world.

FOSSASIA is set over three days of mind-blowing presentations, hacks, maker projects and workshops.
Check out the Schedule-
Day 0: PostGresDay, Maker Party and Pre-Event Bar Meeetup Thursday March 17, 2016, 9:00am-9:00pm
Meeting the design community and getting together at a local bar.
Day 1: Open Technology Keynotes and Talks Friday March 18, 2016, 9:30am-4:30pm
Keynotes and Talks on Open Technologies, Businesses and Startups.
Day 2: Open Technology Talks, Workshop, Barcamp, Science Hacks, Kids Hackathon Saturday March 19, 2016, 9:30am-5:00pm
Open Tech, Open Source, Hardware, Internet of Things.
Day 3: Open Technology Workshops, Barcamp, Science Hacks Sunday March 20, 2016, 10:00am-4:30pm
Open Tech, Open Source, Hardware, Internet of Things.
After-Event Hands on Hackaday Monday March 21, 2016, 2:00pm-Open End
Let's meet up with the local hacker community and follow up on those cool projects we started over the weekend.